Level C

2nd Grade

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Instructional Material

At Springboard, each of our curricular components builds upon the previous to helpstudents meet the overall goal of being proficient readers and writers. Each level of our program offers five units of instruction. There are 5-10 lessons per unit depending on the grade level.

Reading Readiness & Phonics

Lessons using orthographic mapping of sounds through phonemic awareness, letter formation, and articulation to improve students’ ability to read.

Unit 1 2 3 4 5

Read Aloud

Interactive lessons where students read and learn from grade-level complex and compelling topics to build word and world knowledge.

Unit 1 2 3 4 5

Daily Message

Units to build vocabulary and social-emotional learning through collaborative discussion.

Unit 1 2 3 4 5

Writing Time

Multi-genre writing units help students apply their thinking and learning from complex texts through writing.

Unit 1 2 3 4 5

Shared Reading

Fluency activities to build automaticity, accuracy and intonation skills.

Unit 1 2 3 4 5

Assessment & Target Settings

Collecting and analyzing data helps teachers meet the specific needs of students. These resources will help you to make a plan for assessment administration and data analysis to help you determine the strengths and areas of improvement for all students.


Student-facing and instructor scoring sheets for testing using Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS).

Reading Practice Targets

Learn how to set and track tangible goals for books read or minutes read during programming to build family reading habits.

Level C Educator Resources

Collecting and analyzing data helps teachers meet the specific needs of students. These resources will help you to make a plan for assessment administration and data analysis to help you determine the strengths and areas of improvement for all students.

Teacher Resource Book

Printable books, by grade level, that contain teacher and family-facing materials to support student instruction.

Student Resource Book

Printable books, by grade level, that contain student-facing materials to support student instruction.

Instructional Plan

Empower your teaching with our comprehensive instructional plan, designed to streamline your planning and execution of essential instructional components each day.

Student Instruction an

Initial outreach is the first connection with families, so Springboard Collaborative provides a number of resources to help recruit and enroll students (and their families).

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